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Epilepsy Scotland


Epilepsy Scotland do fantastic work in our community and across the country, raising awareness of epilepsy and it’s impact, and supporting people who have epilepsy in a whole range of different ways. I know from my own caseload how important and influential their work is.

Today is Purple Day - a day when people all over the world wear purple to help raise awareness of epilepsy - and I’m delighted to have tabled an Early Day Motion at Westminster marking this important date. It was lovely to meet with Ross from Epilepsy Scotland to pass over a copy.

I’m also grateful to my colleagues in the SNP Westminster group who joined me in marking this by all wearing our purple Epilepsy Scotland ribbons at PMQs on Wednesday.

Please follow the Epilepsy Scotland Facebook page to keep up to date with all they do, and to learn more about epilepsy.


Kirsten Oswald
SNP candidate

for East Renfrewshire

© 2020 Kirsten Oswald 

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