Scottish Government Covid Update:
From Monday 24 Jan, restrictions TO BE LIFTED are:
Limits on attendance at indoor public events
Requirement for indoor distancing between groups in indoor public places
Requirement for table service in hospitality premises serving alcohol
Closure of nightclubs
Guidance against adults participating in indoor contact sports
Guidance asking people to stick to 3 household limit in indoor gatherings
Continue to work from home, a more hybrid approach from start of February
Face coverings still to be worn in public places
Contact details still to be collected as previously
Note on self isolation:
If you test positive, you will be advised to self-isolate for 10 days. However, if you don’t have a fever, and take two negative lateral flow tests - more than 24 hours apart - on day 6 and day 7, you can end self-isolation on day 7.
Change in England's self isolation period (publicised as allowing people to end self-isolation after day 5) brings England’s rules into line with those already in force in Scotland.
This is because in Scotland, we count the day of a positive test as day 1 of isolation - in England, this is counted as day zero. In addition, in England, you can end self-isolation only after day 5. In Scotland, you can end it on day 7.
The period people are actually required to self isolate for is the same in Scotland and England.